Monday, October 7, 2013

{DIY!} A Jewelry Cloche: Part Two

A year after creating my first jewelry cloche, I'd collected more bracelets than the little guy could hold and the time came to find a bigger home for my bracelets.

See what I mean?

So I scouted for the perfect glass cloche and a bracelet stand that would fit inside.  I got my cloche, which is actually a medium-sized candy jar, from my local home goods store but I've also seen great ones (for cheap!) at art stores too.  My previous cloche used a ring stand, but because my bracelets got chunkier and heavier the stand kept tipping over and my bracelets would spill out.  This time, I bought a bracelet stand; I had to bend it a little, but it turned out really well!

Once I acquired the perfect cloche and stand, I gathered up my bracelets, dressed up the stand, and put the stand in the cloche.

Usually, my hands are small enough to wiggle into the cloche for any bracelets I may want, but if I can't get to them I just pull out the stand.  Easy!

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